Free/Reduced Lunch


West Deptford is proud to once again enable parents to fill out a free/reduced lunch application electronically. You will receive immediate notification of determination upon completing the online application, which makes this much quicker than the traditional paper application. Only ONE application needs to be completed PER HOUSEHOLD. 

Parents/Guardians must create an account with PaySchools to fill out the application electronically, and will need your student's ID number to apply for benefits (their school ID is the number they enter when purchasing lunch or the number in their school email address). 

To create a PaySchools account, to apply for Free/Reduced Lunch via online application, and to monitor your student's lunch account, click here. If you do not wish to apply online, you may still print out a hard copy of the free/reduced application from the link below or obtain a hard copy in any of the main offices in our district, complete it and turn it into your child's school.

*Reminder, you need to apply for benefits again EACH school year. If your situation changes at any time during the school year, you may reapply for benefits at any time! 

If you have any questions regarding the free/reduced application process, please click here for the Letter to Household, or feel free to reach out to Steve Jakubowski at [email protected].

Paper Copies of Free/Reduced Lunch Applications can be printed below:

2024-2025 Application Instructions (English)

2024-2025 Free and Reduced Lunch Application (English)

Information Sharing (English)
2024-2025 Application Instructions (Spanish)

2024-2025 Free and Reduced Lunch Application (Spanish)

Information Sharing (Spanish)

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